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Et Cetera – Augustus 2021 Week 3

Iets was díé jaar anders by die Olimpiese Spele…

“Worldliness is whatever makes righteousness look strange and sin look normal”. Lees hier verder.

Hoe leef ons in ‘n wêreld wat toenemend soos Babilon begin lyk?

If we know God in this way, we will be willing to draw a line. We will be ready to wrestle with exactly where to draw that line, asking him for wisdom. At times the lines may be drawn in different places, but drawn they should be, and crossed they must not be. That is how we live faithfully in Babylon as we walk forward toward our home in the New Jerusalem.

Where we draw the line

Ontkoppeling tussen die NG Kerk en sy kweekskole.

Die dwaalleer in die kweekskole van die NG Kerk is kommerwekkend. Teologiese studente moet dikwels baie hard vir hulle geloof baklei in die klaskamers van die teologiese fakulteit. LGBTQ+, Critical Race Theory ensovoorts is alreeds integraal deel van die onderrig in die NGK.

Bemoedigende verklaring oor angs en COVID van Jeff Durbin en ander.

Throughout history, it has always been the faithfulness of Christians that has carried cultures through times of widespread disease. We desire to do the same. May God allow us to be a city on a hill to our communities. Our culture is incredibly fearful of COVID-19 and is struggling to hold back all-out panic. Now is the time for reformation and repentance. Now is the time to lead calmly and peaceably, not fearing the virus, and trusting wholly in God. Now is the time to exhibit love for God and love for neighbor through our daily lives, attitudes, behaviors, and activities. Now is the time for the Gospel to go forth and to build Christ’s Kingdom one soul at a time. The world is watching and listening. Will you join us?

Official Response to the Coronavirus

Ope brief van verskeie dokters aan president Rhamapoza.

Lees die volledige brief hier

Mr President, when you announced the first lockdown with all of the measures such as hygiene regimes, masks, social distancing, etc. you led the charge and became responsible for a fear-inducing campaign. We respectfully suggest that you now bear the responsibility of undoing the fear, and restoring peace and calm to the people of South Africa.

Open Letter to President Ramaphosa

Agtergrond en verduideliking rondom die Kerk & COVID-19 verklaring

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