Jy kan Et Cetera – September 2021 Week 2 hier lees en Week 1 hier.
In hierdie week se “Et Cetera” versameling:
- Wat is ‘n sakrament?
- Christenskap en die staat: ‘n boek van RJ Rushdoony
- Neuroshirurg dr. Edeling verduidelik “inentingsterftes word geheim gehou…”
- Webblaaie, artikels, boeke, preke en lesings oor die burgerlike owerheid
- Vier ‘toetse’ om ‘n valse profeet/leraar uit te ken
Wat is ‘n sakrament?
Lees “What is a sacrament” van William Attersoll hier. Hieronder ‘n kort samevatting –
As ons deelneem aan hierdie heilige tekens wat God in sy Kerk aangestel het, waardeur hy ons geestelike gawes skenk, bind ons ons aan Hom, bely ons openlik Sy ware godsdiens, en ons belowe om onder Sy vaandel te veg teen ons vyande: sodat dit getuienisse en tekens van die verbond tussen God en ons is, dat hy ons God is, en ons verbind ons om sy volk te wees, om Hom te dien en geen ander god nie.
Die gebruik van sakramente:
EEN: Die doeltreffendheid van ‘n sakrament hang nie af van die vroomheid of intensie van die Woordbedienaar nie
“…if the Sacraments be the ordinances of God, then they depend not on the worthiness or unworthiness, fitness or unfitness, vices or virtues of the minister: but all the efficacy and force hangeth on the holy institution of Christ Jesus.”
TWEE: Niemand mag ‘n sakrament byvoeg of wegneem nie
“…As God only can graciously promise, so he can only effectually perform what he hath promised.”
DRIE: Om die sakramente te verwaarloos is ‘n ernstige sonde
“…such as scorn and make a mock of the Sacraments, which are the seals of God, cannot go scot-free, but shall be indicted of high treason against his majesty.”
Christenskap en die Staat: ‘n Boek van RJ Rushdoony
Die boek is op hierdie webblad ingebed om gratis te lees en ook te koop op Amazon. Dit is ‘n baie sinvolle boek in ons tye om weer die verhouding Kerk en Staat in ‘n Bybelse lig te oorweeg.
“By virtue of being King of kings and Lord of lords, Christ’s reign over man and government is universal and total. “He removeth kings, and setteth up kings” (Dan. 2:21) and “increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them” (Job 12:23) because the government is on His shoulders: He is the governor among the nations (Isa. 9:7, Ps. 22:28). The need today is for the church to press the crown-rights of Christ the King, confident that His government over all will increase without end: “the zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this.”
Neuroshirurg dr. Edeling verduidelik “inentingsterftes word geheim gehou…”
In Et Cetera – Augustus 2021 Week 3 het ons reeds dr. Edeling en ander medici se ope brief aan pres. Rhamapoza genoem. In ‘n opvolg-onderhoud met BizNews verduidelik dr. Edeling die inhoud van sy brief. Hy verduidelik o.a. ook hoe daar in 90 lande ‘n toename in COVID-19 sterftes van ingeënte pasiënte is.
“Drawing on his expertise in medico-legal practice, Dr Edeling states that; ‘ In this global catastrophe, we have people expressing opinions and instructions – relying on their authority to do so, but not relying on reasons. And by not relying on reasons, they are neither relying on facts, nor on science, nor on logic. That is the philosophical crisis that we are in.’ “…
‘Vaccine deaths are being hidden, suppressed and falsely recorded’ – Dr Herman Edeling
“Of particular interest were Dr Edeling’s insights into the fundamental flaw of mass vaccination during a pandemic and those deaths which occur during the period of immune suppression which follows vaccination – deaths, he says, which are medically vaccine deaths and must be recorded as such. The central core of the open letter is to say to the President; ‘please provide South Africans – citizens, doctors, scientists, everybody – with the truth and allow people to discuss the truth and debate’, and ‘also to stop suppressing people who try to tell the truth – but who are suppressed or censored.’ “
‘Vaccine deaths are being hidden, suppressed and falsely recorded’ – Dr Herman Edeling
Webblaaie, artikels, boeke, lesings en preke oor die burgerlike owerheid
“Vrae soos die volgende word in die bronne beantwoord: Wat is die regering se taak? Wat is gelowiges se verantwoordelikheid teenoor die regering? Wat is die regering se magsbeperkings? Hoe moet ons dink oor belastings? Het die regering mag oor die kerk? Kan die regering vir die kerk voorskryf wat om te doen?”
Burgerlike Owerheid
Kyk gerus hier na die samevattende lys en verskeie artikels oor die onderwerp hier.
Vier ‘toetse’ om ‘n valse profeet/leraar uit te ken.
Jy kan die podsending hier luister.
“So, there are at least four biblical tests for false teaching:
1. the test of the fruit of behavior
2. the test of sound doctrine
3. the test of submission to Scripture
4. the test of teaching the pure gospel of justification by faith
And I would end by simply reminding us that the best way to protect ourselves from false teachers is to be part of a healthy, Bible-preaching church, and to be prayerfully saturated with the Bible every day.“
How Do We Discern False Teachers?

Hierdie potgooi / artikel is deur verskeie lede van die Scriptura-span saamgestel en geskep.
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