In hierdie week se versameling van alles en nog wat:
- Het jy sekerheid oor jou verlossing?
- Ontsnap die “vriendelikheidskulte”
- Niks keer God om Sy Kerk te bou nie!
Het jy sekerheid oor jou verlossing?
“Assurance may be reached through a biblical examination of one’s faith, one’s love, and one’s life.”
Baie Christene sukkel een of ander tyd met onsekerheid oor hulle verlossing. Hier is ‘n baie troosryke artikel – lees gerus!
Ontsnap die “vriendelikheidskulte”
Niks keer God om Sy Kerk te bou nie!
“Jesus will not build his church on frail Peter-the-man, but Peter’s rock-solid, God-revealed confession of the true identity of Jesus.”
“Thus, the church is being built at exactly the rate that Jesus wants it to be built. Not one person faster or slower. Hell has not slowed the construction by even a second. Not one person whom Jesus wants included will be excluded.”
Lees hier!

Hierdie potgooi / artikel is deur verskeie lede van die Scriptura-span saamgestel en geskep.
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